Palace Entrence 

Front view


Nalknad Aramane is located a village named Yavakapadi in the kakkabe town of the Coorg region. Nalknad Palace has been built by a Haleri ruler Dodda Virarajendra in the year of 1792. This was built by him after he escaped from the Tippu sultan's troops. Dodda Virarajendra is said to have married Mahadevammaji at this place in 1796.

Inside the palace 

In our college organised the Heritage walk event for SCR(social connect and responsibilities) activity. we visited the nalknad palace,it is located yavakapudi in the kakkabbe town of the Coorg.The guide explained about the palace.

Guide explaining about palace 

History :

The palace was built by a Haleri rule Dodda Virarajendra in the year 1792. This palace was built by him because of his victory and escape from the troops of Tipu Sultan’s kingdom. His wedding to Mahadevammaji also took place in this palace in 1796. In order to protect the kingdom against enemies, the king also planned and built an underground tunnel which began at the palace and ended at the borders of Madikeri.

When the British came to the Kodagu district to capture it, the last ruler of the Harari emperor hid in this palace. The Palace has a beautifully designed durbar which was used by the King and his ministers to discuss important issues concerning the rule. The basement of the Palace also had two dark rooms which were used as the hiding room of the king. Everything in this palace was planned meticulously considering that there was always a looming threat. 


Temple entrance 

Padi Igguthappa Temple, dedicated to Igguthappa is the most important deity of Kodavas and Kul Devta of the of Kodagu or Coorg. In ancient times, he was probably the God of rain and crop. The crop being the basis of the survival of humans and rain being the survival of crops makes sense. The first crop of Paddy is still offered to the Lord every year at this temple by the local farmers. After this, the harvest festival called Puttari officially begins in the Coorg region. 

Front view of temple 

After visiting the palace,we came to the PADI IGGUTHAPPA temple.It is the famous temple in kakkabbe that was built in 1810 by Linga Rajendra.The temple is dedicated to lord subrahmanya,also known as igguthappa by the kodavas.


After the death of the Kodagu king, Lingaraja I in 1780 AD, Hyder Ali took control of Kodagu under the pretext of being a guardian to Lingaraja's three sons, Dodda Vira Rajendra, Linga Rajendra and Appanna, who were of tender age.[3] The princes were sent to reside in a fort at Gorur in Hassan district, and a garrison was stationed at Mercara (capital of Kodagu). A minister, Amaldar Subbarasaya, who was formerly a Karnika (treasurer) of the Kodagu Raja, was appointed to look after the administration of Kodagu. 

In igguthappa temple, the temple giude  explained about the history of temple, how it built, in which year it built  and history of lord subrahmanya god. And we gifted a plant ☘️ to the guide.


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