
Water conservation is the practice of an efficient usage of water by reducing unnecessary wastage of the same. The importance of water conservation becomes even more necessary as there is a limited source of freshwater that is beneficial for all human beings for a Healthy lifestyle. 

Traditional Water Conservation Practices

History tells us that both floods and droughts were regular occurrence in ancient India. Perhaps this is why every region in the country has its own traditional water harvesting techniques that reflect the geographical peculiarities and cultural uniqueness of the regions. The basic concept underlying all these techniques is that rain should be harvested whenever and wherever it falls.

Ground Water Recharge 

Ways to Conserve Water:

  • Careful use of water
  • Maintenance of appliances can prevent potential leaks and wastage of energy
  • Don’t wash down garbage
  • Recycle and reuse it.
  • Reuse water from cleaning and laundry to water the plants.

Waste Water Recharge 

The Details of the Activity

The area where they designed waste water treatment plant in Coorg institute of technology. There is a lot of water is wasted in the college campus. During summer season availability of fresh water is less. 

Waste water treatment is closely related to the standards and expectations set for the effluent quality. The campus requires a huge amount of water for different purposes like cleaning, gardening etc. So to fulfill the demand of water, work on treatment and reuse of waste water generated in college departments and hostel. Thus it reduces the load over fresh water and to reduce the demand of fresh water, treatment is required for wastewater and then it is utilized.

Guest Talk on Water conservation 


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